APTA Pediatrics Education Hub

APTA Pediatrics Research Mentoring Session

  • Registration Closed

APTA Pediatrics Researchers will be hosting a mentoring session related to developing research projects. Attendees are encouraged to submit their research questions ahead of time for the session. Experienced researchers, facilitated by Dr. Lisa Kenyon, will provide feedback or insight to help answer questions. Come join an open discussion to help with project design, analysis, or interpretation!

Lisa Kenyon, PT, DPT, PhD

Pediatric Physical Therapist and Associate Professor of Physical Therapy at Grand Valley State University

Pediatric physical therapist and Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. Her research interests include pediatric wheeled mobility, non-mobility outcomes of wheeled mobility use in children, practice patterns pertaining to wheeled mobility use in children, therapists’ clinical reasoning processes related to pediatric mobility, and development of mobility interventions for children.


Submit questions prior to 7/9
Meeting Link
07/09/2024 at 8:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes
07/09/2024 at 8:00 PM (EDT)  |  60 minutes https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86454040949?pwd=TWJ2VklLclord2RYZWtqbmZ4a0U1UT09 Meeting ID: 864 5404 0949 Passcode: 926336