Session 1: Introduction to Advocacy
- Non-member - $30
- PT Member - $20
- PTA Member - $10
- Student - $10
- Life Member - $10
- Partner Member - $20
- Member - $20
Understanding and navigating the world of legislation and advocacy can be complex. In this webinar, the presenters will provide an introduction to advocacy and tools that physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students can use immediately to influence change. The presenters will describe the difference between legislation and regulations at the state and federal levels and how citizens can advocate at each of these levels. By the end of this webinar, attendees will learn how to create a grassroots advocacy network and craft their own advocacy message that can be used in their own geographical region.
Session learning objectives The learner will be able to:
- Recognize the difference in state and federal legislation
- Recognize the difference in legislation and regulatory policies
- Identify how organizational policies, bylaws, and position statements are made
- Identify grass roots advocacy opportunities and ways they can become engaged in any area that interests them
- Express their own message to advocate in their own geographical region